BoardPro Podcasts
A series of podcasts designed to demystify the world of business governance bringing practical advice and tips for organizations to improve their operational effectiveness.
BoardPro Podcasts
Creating and sustaining high performance boards - with Lisa Cook
Learn why a high-performance board starts with answering the question ‘what does great look like?’; and how the four pillars of board effectiveness help to create and sustain your board’s high-performance ambitions.
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Good governance is an active choice
It starts with us – as individual board members and as a board – to make the time and have the intention to create a system that supports the board and board members towards governance excellence. Effectively shaping the four interdependent pillars of board effectiveness :
1) People,
2) Information Architecture,
3) Structures and Processes,
4) Group Dynamics and Board Culture ,
will help you to achieve and sustain board effectiveness.
What you'll learn;
If you’re ready to take action towards building an effective board, this webinar will help you to:
- Understand what a high performing board is.
- Discover how to take meaningful action towards building a high performing board.
- Learn how the four pillars of board effectiveness help to create and sustain board effectiveness.
- Hear real world case studies on how to apply the four pillars of board effectiveness.